15 Kasım 2012 Perşembe

Astronomers have uncovered one of the most mysterious super-magnetic stars | RedGage

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Astronomers have uncovered one of the most mysterious super-magnetic stars | RedGage: "The magnetic massive star ever discovered attract charged particles of which they form a kind of roof. "

Astronomers have uncovered one of the most mysterious super-magnetic stars     NGC 1624-2, newly discovered star, could help scientists understand the role they play in the evolution of stellar magnetism stars and galaxies. NGC 1624-2, which is at a distance of about 20,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Perseus, has a mass 35 times that of the Sun. Her table ensures more fuel, making it very light and warm. Therefore, it could explode relatively soon, after a life of only 5 million years, equivalent to one-tenth of 1% of the current age of our sun.    Also, NGC 1624-2 has a magnetic field 20,000 times stronger than the Sun. This strong magnetic field connects and controls the stellar wind of energetic particles around it, up to a distance of 11.4 times the radius of the star. Although NGC 1624-2 is the most magnetic of all the observed massive star before, some intermediate-mass stars have a magnetic field twice as strong. Therefore, the magnetic field strength of the star NGC 1624-2 pales in comparison to those of magnetarelor, dense remnants of stars of death, which is believed to be the most magnetic objects in the universe. The magnetic field of NGC 1624-2 is approximately 20,000 gauss at the surface of the star, while an ordinary magnetar has a field of 10 gauss trillion, 500 million higher. However, if NGC 1624-2 would suddenly get a meganetar size, retaining magnetism, she would have a surface magnetic field of about 10,000 gauss trillion. Star's magnetic field affects the internal structure lifetime. However, the fundamental processes that produce magnetic fields of massive stars are not very well known scientists. Because the star is far away from us, and is surrounded by clouds of dust, scientists Hobby-Eberly Telescope used by University Observatory in Texas to monitor her. Observations have shown that the wind, the star moves slowly, making a complete rotation on its axis in about 160 days. 

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