18 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Shock hypothesis: on the outskirts of the solar system is a planet 4 times as Terra!

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Shock hypothesis: on the outskirts of the solar system is a planet 4 times as Terra!: "A planet 4 times larger than Earth might find the edge of our solar system, beyond Pluto, according to recent research. Located at a distance too great to be seen by ground telescopes, unseen planet could have gravity on icy objects beyond Neptune's orbit explaining these mysterious objects in space."
Shock hypothesis: on the outskirts of the solar system is a planet 4 times as Terra!

Researcher who postulated the existence of this unseen planets is Rodney Gomes, chief astronomer at the National Observatory of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Recently, Gomes presented at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society a series of computer simulations which suggest that unseen planets.Astronomers who attended the presentation of Gomes says that his arguments are convincing, but said more evidence is needed before the hypothetical planet to be confirmed as real.For many years, astronomers noticed that a number of bodies that are frozen space beyond the orbit of Neptune, including dwarf planet Sedna, which deviates from the orbits should be around the sun when considered all known objects in the Solar System. Sedna, for example, has a highly elongated orbit around the Sun, forming a very long oval. "Sedna's orbit is really strange," said Mike Brown, an astronomer at Caltech and leading the team that discovered the Sedna in 2003.When Gomes calculated orbits of these objects, adding massive gravitational pull of a planet at the edge of the solar system orbit of Sedna and other strange objects suited to those observed in reality.Unseen planet would lie far to noticeably affect Earth and the other planets orbit close to the Sun, but it would be close enough to influence those objects.Several planets might cause abnormalities Gomes explained his calculations. For example, a planet the size of Neptune (approximately 4 times greater than Earth) orbiting at 225 billion kilometers from the Sun could influence the way bizarre objects seen by astronomers. Regarding the origin of the mysterious planet, Gomes said that it could "arise" in a distant solar system, is then "captured" by the gravity of our sun. Gomes's colleagues are convinced of the accuracy of his calculations. "Gomes is very good. It's hard to believe that he was wrong in his calculations, "said Hal Levison, a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado.It would not be the first time a planet is discovered as a result of the effects of gravitational attraction to it has on other celestial bodies. Neptune's existence was postulated in the early 19th century, long before being seen with a telescope in 1846, as affecting the orbit of Uranus.Now, researchers are working hard to confirm the existence of the mysterious planet and find another explanation for the bizarre orbit of distant celestial bodies. "The only way we can prove the existence of this planet is to see it," concluded Mike Brown.Source: LiveScience
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